10 Crucial Insights from “How We Change: (And Ten Reasons Why We Don’t)” by Ross Ellenhorn

4 min readAug 1, 2023


I. Introduction

A. Brief introduction to the book and the author, Ross Ellenhorn

It all starts with a vision. A vision of becoming better, more resilient, more emotionally intelligent, and most importantly, embracing change.

Photo by Linus Nylund on Unsplash

This powerful narrative is woven by Ross Ellenhorn in his transformative book, “How We Change: (And Ten Reasons Why We Don’t).” Ross, a renowned psychotherapist, presents an engaging exploration of our lifelong journey with change and provides a roadmap to overcoming the roadblocks along the way. 📖

B. Overview of the purpose and content of the blog post

So why are we discussing this book? 🤔 Well, in this article, we aim to delve into the ten crucial insights from Ellenhorn’s masterpiece, insights that may just change your perspective on, well, change! Are you ready to embark on this exciting journey? 🚀 Let’s go!

“Change is the only constant.”

II. Understanding the Nature of Change

A. Explanation of change as a lifelong journey

Ever heard of the saying, “Change is the only constant”? This phrase rings true as change indeed forms the core of our life’s journey. 🛤️ It’s about growing, evolving, and stepping into newer versions of ourselves. Change is inevitable; it’s not a choice but a way of life.

B. Discussion of how change can threaten our sense of identity and familiarity

But here’s the thing — change can feel threatening. It disrupts our familiar routines and thrusts us into unknown territory. When change occurs, it feels as if our sense of identity, who we know ourselves to be, is under siege. But remember, change is not an enemy but an ally that pushes us towards growth.🌱

C. Explanation of the role of fear of the unknown in resisting change

Fear of the unknown is a powerful deterrent to change. 😱 We fear what we cannot predict or control. Yet, it’s this very fear that needs to be embraced and explored to truly understand and accept change.

III. Unpacking Resistance to Change

A. Exploration of unresolved trauma as a deterrent to change

Did you know? Unresolved traumas often form a stumbling block to change. These deep-seated issues make us associate change with fear and anxiety, thus fostering resistance.

B. The necessity of a supportive environment for change

A supportive environment plays a crucial role in fostering change. It’s like a nurturing soil that allows the seed of change to sprout and flourish.🌳

C. Risk-taking and stepping out of comfort zones as elements of change

Want to change? Take risks! Step out of your comfort zone! The magic of growth lies in the realm of the unfamiliar. 🎩

IV. Beliefs and Attitudes towards Change

A. The importance of believing in personal capacity for growth

Believing in your capacity for growth is the first step towards change. Trust in your abilities, nurture your strengths, and remember that the power to change lies within you. 💪

B. Reinterpretation of past mistakes as learning opportunities

Stumbled in the past? That’s okay! Your past mistakes are not failures but learning opportunities that pave the way for your growth journey. So, dust off and march ahead!🚶‍♂️

C. Incremental progress as the path to significant change

Small steps make big changes. Celebrate your incremental progress because it’s these small victories that eventually lead to significant change. 🎉

V. Embracing True Change

A. The need for internal readiness for change

Change cannot be forced; it needs to come from within. You need to be internally ready for change to truly embrace it. It’s like a door that can only be opened from the inside.🚪

B. Emphasizing that true change comes from within

True change isn’t superficial; it isn’t about changing your wardrobe or your hairstyle. It’s deeper and more profound. It’s about changing your perceptions, attitudes, and internal dialogues. It’s about changing from within. ❤️

C. How to recognize when you are ready and willing to change

And how do you know when you’re ready for change? You feel a stirring within you, a desire to grow, and an openness to new experiences. When you’re ready to change, you embrace the journey with open arms.👐

VI. Practical Applications of these Lessons

A. Real-world examples of these lessons applied

These lessons aren’t just theoretical constructs but are applicable to our everyday lives. For instance, deciding to take up a healthier lifestyle is an example of embracing change. Confronting your fears and pursuing your passion is another example of stepping out of your comfort zone. 🌍

B. Recommendations for implementing these insights in daily life

Implementing these insights is not as daunting as it sounds. Start small. Perhaps, begin by acknowledging your fears. Then, take small, calculated risks to step out of your comfort zones. And always remember, it’s okay to seek support when you need it. 🤝

VII. Conclusion

A. Summary of key points from the book

Embracing change is not about making radical alterations to your life. Instead, it’s about understanding that change is a natural part of life and learning to navigate it with grace and resilience.

B. Closing thoughts on embracing change

The journey of change may be challenging, but it’s definitely worth it. By embracing change, we open ourselves to new possibilities and opportunities for growth and development. 🌻

C. Encouragement for readers to approach change with optimism and resilience.

As we wrap up, remember that change is not a monster to be feared but a friend to be welcomed. Approach change with an open mind, optimism, and resilience. And who knows? You might just find that the change you were so scared of was the best thing that ever happened to you! 🌈




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